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Committees' recent meetings - 16 June 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and activities.

Peshmerga Committee

14 June - Members of the committee visited the Peshmerga barricades and battle zones in the three areas of Garmaser, Qaratapa-Hamrin and Kolajo. The delegation explained that their visit is to look in detail into the problems and needs of the Peshmerga forces.

The MPs thanked the commanders and forces for serving with a national spirit to protect the Kurdistani land and people.

Previously the committee have also gone to the Makhmur and Gwer frontlines in a separate visit.

Commerce, Industry, Energy and Natural Resources Committee

15 June – The committee, led by the chair Ali Hama Salih (Change), discussed the price of electricity for industrial projects. They also discussed the complaints that they received from factory owners who wrote to them asking for the committee’s help to resolve them.

The MPs covered the problem of the amount of bureaucracy imposed by the KRG Health Ministry for the import of goods.

The committee also decided to ask the KRG Minister for Natural Resources for a meeting.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

15 June – Members of the committee visited the women’s prison and juvenile reform centre in Slemani, and with the director they looked into the administrative and other problems that they face. The MPs met with the inmates who raised their complaints and requests.

Then the committee visited Slemani adults prison and met with the director Soran Bajalan, as well as with representatives of the inmates who made their complaints and demands. The MPs pledged to raise their demands with the relevant authorities.  

Legislative Committee

15 June – The committee, led by the chair Dr. Bizhar Kochar (KDP), discussed the Bill on the Application of and amendments to the Law on Industrial Investment for Private and Mixed Sectors (amended Law No. 20 of 1998) in Kurdistan Region – Iraq. The bill had its first reading at the sitting of 18 May.

The committee prepared their report on the bill and directed it to Parliament’s Presidency so that the bill can be scheduled for its second reading.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

15 June – The committee, led by the chair Abdulsatar Majeed (KIG), talked about the request sent to them by farmers who want the wheat buying companies to pay a higher price for their wheat, because the farmers say that on the market their wheat can be sold for more.

The farmers have also asked that they be allowed to take their wheat through the checkpoints, which have become very restrictive in order to prevent smuggling.

The MPs also discussed Kurdistan’s farmers’ financial rights and dues for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016, and decided to meet with the relevant authorities in Baghdad to meet their pledge to the farmers to follow up on the issue.

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

16 June – The committee, led by the chair Dr. Esmail Sgery (KIU), discussed the delay in opening Parliament offices in Amedi and Garmian, the lack of a 2020 financial audit report to the committee, a review of an international company's contract with parliament, and raising Parliament employees’ grades.

The MPs decided to write about these issues to Parliament’s Presidency.

Integrity Committee

16 June – The committee, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Change), met with Ahmed Saeed, investigator at the Integrity Commission’s Erbil Investigations Department. Mr. Saeed spoke about the transfer of 6 billion Euros abroad by the Land Economic Group company, a case that was raised with the committee.

The MPs then looked at and responded to the files and reports sent by Chalang NGO, and decided to direct them to the relevant Parliament standing committees for further work.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

16 June – The committee, led by the rapporteur Muhsin Doski (KDP), met with Barzan Akram Mantek, head of the KRG Department for NGOs, and his staff.

The committee had requested the meeting and asked Mr. Mantek about the registration of NGOs and implementation of Law No. 1 of 2011 for NGOs in the Kurdistan Region, under which a joint committee should be formed to investigate and follow up on the Department’s work.

After discussion, the KRG Department for NGOs said that they will submit a report to the Parliament committee about the issues.