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Committees' recent meetings - 9 June 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and meetings.

Integrity committee

8 June – The committee, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Change), held their usual meeting.

The MPs exchanged views on the Board of Financial Audit’s report on the Reform Law and decided to work more on it and make the necessary decisions at their next meetings.

The committee met with Dr. Bakhan Azad from Halabja’s Health Directorate, who said that because of the corruption in Halabja’s health sector, her life is in danger and she left Halabja province and now she is in Erbil. Dr. Sabah Zebari, chair of the Health Committee, also attended the meeting.

The committee said that they will follow up on the issue, and will form a subcommittee to investigate the truth and take further steps.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

7 June - The committee directed to Parliament’s Presidency the draft amendments to Law No. 22 of 2011, on the rights and privileges of persons with disabilities and special needs.

The committee decided to visit the directorates of the prisons in Kurdistan Region this week.

The notes and complaints sent by the public were discussed and some of them were raised with the relevant authorities.

8 June – Members of the committee visited the KRG Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Kurdistan Regional Government and met with Minister Kwestan Muhammad.

The two laws on social security and family protection were discussed, and both sides decided to have more discussions on them.

The MPs stressed the need for more reforms and services.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee

7 June - The committee, led by chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), decided to continue the meetings of Parliament's joint committees regarding the increasing number of cases of violence and murder, especially the killing of women, based on the results of the sitting of 25 May.  

For the same purpose, in the presence of the relevant authorities in the KRG, the joint committees will present recommendations on these issues for Parliament’s Presidency.

The MPs decided to review and distribute their programme of work for the next period.

 Legislative Committee

7 June - The committee, led by chair by Dr. Bizhar Kocher, discussed preparing their report on the Bill on Regulating Surveillance Devices in the Kurdistan Region for its second reading. The committee members also discussed several new bills and draft resolutions.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

8 June – The committee discussed the legislative proposal to amend the Law on the Rights and Privileges of the Families of Martyrs and Victims of Anfal and decided to hold a special meeting on the law to discuss its articles and paragraphs.

The committee also reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and directed them to the relevant authorities.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

8 June - The committee met to finalize their report on the situation of NGOs in Kurdistan Region.

They discussed their report and assessed their recommendations. The report will be sent to Parliament’s Presidency so that it can be discussed at a sitting.

The committee also discussed the bill on establishing a Film Production Board in Kurdistan Region. The proposal has been directed to the Kurdistan Artists Union for their opinion.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

7 June – The committee met with the KRG Minister of Interior, Raber Ahmed. They discussed organizing government guards, citizens carrying firearms, the Internal Security Forces Retirement Law and Kurdistan Region’s Traffic Law.

The Minister responded to the questions raised by MPs and pledged to follow-up on them to find sustainable solutions. The meeting also focused on joint coordination between both sides for following-up and finding appropriate solutions.

A press conference was also held regarding the meeting and its results.

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

8 June – The committee held their regular meeting to discuss in detail the Bill on application of Iraq’s Law No. 71 of 2012, the Iraqi Stamp Duty Law. The committee decided to continue meeting to prepare their final report on the bill.