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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Catalonia political and civil society delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 19 June welcomed a delegation from Catalonia, led by Member of the Catalonian Parliament Ruben Wagensberg. They discussed the political and humanitarian situation in Kurdistan Region and ways to build closer ties between the two parliaments.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Mr. Wagensberg talked about their respective parliaments’ parties and their regions’ political systems, and the challenges that both Kurdistan Region and Catalonia have faced in their history.

Mr. Wagensberg invited the Deputy Speaker and MPs to visit the Catalonian Parliament. Dr. Hawrami thanked him and said that their parliaments can exchange ideas and share expertise. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami explained the importance of maintaining and strengthening the peaceful coexistence and the rights of the religious and ethnic components in Kurdistan’s society.

He said that the rights of the religious and ethnic components are guaranteed in Law No. 5 of 2015, and Parliament is working on a draft Kurdistan Constitution that will further determine and enshrine their rights.

The Catalonia delegation included MPs, members of large civil society organizations and a member of Barcelona provincial council. They are visiting the Kurdistan Region to look into the situation of refugees and IDPs.

MPs from the KDP, PUK, Change Movement and Christian and Turkmen parties participated in the meeting. They exchanged views and had a good discussion with the Catalonia delegation.