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Kurdistan Parliament's statement on killing of five Peshmerga soldiers calls for conflict to be taken away from Kurdistan Region, both sides to find peaceful solution

The Kurdistan Parliament is deeply saddened by the killing of five Peshmerga soldiers today, 5 June 2021, in Amedi district in an ambush by the PKK. Our condolences go out to the families of the Peshmerga, and we wish for the speedy recovery of the injured.

The Kurdistan Parliament rejects the choice to go to war in any form. We call for this conflict to be taken away from Kurdistan Region's borders, for all sides to preserve Kurdistan Region's sovereignty, and for neither side to create pretexts for conflicts & invasions. 

A conflict that destroys parts of Kurdistan Region, threatens our citizens' homes and our nature and environment, prevents villagers from developing their villages and does not allow them to live free from fear.

The Kurdistan Parliament calls on the PKK & Turkey to end their military conflict in the Kurdistan Region, to take the path of peace and political solutions, to respect the institutions of Kurdistan Region as well as the sovereignty of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Kurdistan Parliament

5 June 2021