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Kurdistan's environmental NGOs give Parliament letter calling for end to environmental destruction in border areas

The chairs, vice chairs and rapporteurs of Parliament’s Environment, Civil Society and Municipalities committees* met with the Board of Kurdistan Region’s environmental NGOs, which at the meeting represented more than 100 civil society organizations.  

The board gave a letter to the Parliament committees in which they stressed the importance of preventing the damage to the environment and land near the border areas of Kurdistan Region caused by Turkey’s military attacks, and the small rivers and streams and Darbandikhan reservoir affected by Iran cutting the water flow. 

The board of NGOs demanded that serious and important steps be taken to solve these environmental and political issues as soon as possible.

The leadership of the three Parliament committees condemned all attacks and violations against the land and environment of Kurdistan Region and gave their full support to the board’s letter.

They explained that Parliament’s Presidency and different parliamentary parties have discussed this problem and suggested that in the near future a Parliament sitting be held to discuss the issue and make the necessary decisions.

* The Parliament committee leaderships who met with the board were from the Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee; the Culture, Civil Society , Sports and Youth Committee; and the Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee.