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Order of business for sitting of 28 June 2021

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq calls MPs to a sitting on Monday 28 June 2021 at 11am, the 16th ordinary sitting of the spring session of the third year of the fifth term of Parliament. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

First: Extending for four years the tenure of the head of the Kurdistan Region Financial Audit Board, beginning from the day of the completion of their first term.

Second: First readings of the following bills, per Article 78 (paragraphs 1, 2, and 5), articles 79, 80, 82, and Article 83 (paragraph 1) of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

1. Bill on Emblems and Medals in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

2. Bill on Private Security Companies in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

3. Bill on Production and Import of Seeds and Plants and Registration, Approval, and Protection of Agricultural Chemicals in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

4. Amendments to the Law on the Care for Minors, Law No. 78 of 1980, in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

5. Amendments to the Law on Welfare of Juveniles, Law No. 76 of 1983, in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

6. Amendments to the Law on the Missing and Disappeared in the Campaigns of Genocide against the Kurdistani People in Kurdistan Region - Iraq, Law No. 3 of 1999.

7. Second amendments to the Law on the Integrity Commission of Kurdistan Region – Iraq, Law No. 3 of 2011.

8. Bill on Tourism in in Kurdistan Region – Iraq.

Third: Extension by 30 days of the Spring Session of the Third Year of the Fifth Term of Parliament, per Article 7 (paragraph 4) of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

Fourth: Presentation and discussion on how to fill the shortfall in public salaries, the reasons for the failure to implement the Reform Law and the Iraq Budget Law, and the shortcomings at the customs borders, in oil revenue and in local income, in the presence of the relevant authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government, per Article 66 (paragraph 1) of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

Fifth: Second readings of the following bills, per articles 87, 88 and 89 of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure:

1. Amendments to the Law on Rights and Privileges of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs in Kurdistan Region – Iraq, Law No. 22 of 2011.

2. Application of the Iraq Stamp Duty Law, Law No. 71 of 2012, in Kurdistan Region – Iraq.

3. Application of and amendments to the Law on Industrial Investment for Private and Mixed Sectors, amended Law No. 20 of 1998, in Kurdistan Region – Iraq.

Sixth: Speeches by the following MPs, per Article 49 (paragraph 1, point 2) of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure, on the following subjects:

1. Abdulsatar Majeed Qadir (KIG) about creating jobs by reactivating factories and plants.

2. Osman Ali Smail (KIG) on making efforts to recycle waste, in order to protect the environment of the cities and towns of Kurdistan Region.

3. Zeydan Rashid Khan (Bradosti) (KDP) about higher education and scientific research.

4. Shayan Kaka Salih (Askari) (Change) about the illness caused by the Covid-19 virus.

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament decides and announces the order of business of this sitting according to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure, Article 5, Article 16 (paragraphs 1, 2, 3), Article 18 (paragraph 3), Article 20 (paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and articles 47, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56 and 57.