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Peshmerga Committee's statement on PKK's ambush on Peshmerga in Amedi district

This morning, Saturday 5 June 2021, a Zeravani Peshmerga force on Matin mountain was ambushed by the PKK, and five Peshmerga soldiers were killed and four others were injured.

The nine Peshmerga were from an engineers unit and were working to defuse and dispose of bombs on a military mission on Matini mountain in Amedi district, to protect the people and villages of the area and restore its security. Their Badger-type vehicle was attacked while they tried to go to the bases at which that they had been stationed for four months, in an ambush by the PKK.

We condemn this attack, and we express our condolences to the families of the martyrs and hope for the injured to make a speedy recovery.

For years the PKK’s conflict with the Turkish state has been a threat to the Kurdistan Region and has destroyed hundreds of villages in the border areas. Many times the PKK has made the Kurdistan Region pay the price for its conflict with the Turkish state.

Once again, we ask the PKK to take their conflict into Turkish territory and not to put at risk the achievements and sovereignty of the Kurdistan Region. The PKK must respect the borders of the Kurdistan Region, stop jeopardizing the security and stability of the Kurdistan Region and stop fratricide.

We ask that the conflict between Turkey and the PKK be resolved peacefully, and if this is not possible for the conflict to be taken away from Kurdistan Region.