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Speaker Rewaz Faiq in meeting with part-time teachers: “We will do our best to help achieve your demands”

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 8 June welcomed several representatives of Kurdistan’s part-time teachers.

Several MPs participated in the meeting: Zeydan Bradosti (KDP), a member of the Education Committee, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee, and Salma Fatih (PUK), chair of the Culture Committee, and Balen Ismaeel (Change), member of the Finance Committee.

Speaker Faiq listened to all the demands of the representatives of part-time teachers, particularly their complaints about not being employed as permanent public employees. The MPs also expressed views on the issue in detail.

Speaker Faiq said: “We support the demands of part-time teachers and we will do our best for the benefit and livelihood of teachers, but the decisions that have a financial impact cannot be made without the government's consent to provide salaries and allowances. Nevertheless, we are trying our best to solve the problem of part time teachers’ permanent employment”.

"We don't want to promise something that we cannot do, but certainly the demands of teachers are one of the priorities of our work.”