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Speaker Rewaz Faiq meets with US Consul General Rob Waller

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 15 June met with the US Consul General in Kurdistan Region Mr. Rob Waller, who visited at the Speaker’s request.

Several MPs took part in the meeting: Dr. Bizhar Kochar (KDP), the chair of the Legislative Committee; Rojan Shahid Hamarash (PUK), a member of Legislative Committee; Balen Ismaeel Haji (Change), a member of Finance and Economic Affairs Committee.

The general political situation of Iraq and Kurdistan Region was discussed.

Speaker Faiq said “The Bill on establishing the Special Court for the Crimes by ISIS in Kurdistan Region - Iraq was sent to the Kurdistan Parliament by the KRG. The bill has many important security, legal and financial aspects so the Kurdistan Parliament is working on it carefully so that it does not conflict with the Iraqi constitution."

The Speaker continued, "It is important for us to know the views of our international allies on the issue and we want to explain the legal, financial and international security implications and outcomes to everyone.  We need to consult with Kurdistan Region’s allies, especially as this issue needs technical, financial and political support at an international level”.

The US Consul General in Kurdistan Region expressed his readiness to study the demands of the Kurdistan Parliament and convey them to Washington, and he hoped that soon the US will give their opinion on the issue to the Kurdistan Parliament.