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Committees' recent meetings - 17 March 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and meetings:

Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry Committee

15 March - The committee, led by the chair Ali Hama Salih (Change), met with Dr. Abbas Burhan Qadir the head of Salahaddin University’s Chemistry Department, together with his colleagues Dr. Sanger Salih Ahmad and Mr. Karwan Masoud Rahman.

Dr. Abbas Burhan explained the relationship between the use of fuel products with the rising number of cancer cases.

They discussed scientific research on the diesel fuel that is used to generate electricity in Kurdistan Region, the effect of the fuel on the environment and on people’s lives and health, the lack of quality control of the gasoil used by suppliers of electricity to the government which has a direct impact on the levels of environmental pollution and is leading to more cases of serious illness among the public in the cities of Kurdistan Region.

The MPs discussed the poor quality and misuse of fuel products in the process of producing electricity, which is regarded as the main reason for the rise in cases of cancer and other dangerous diseases.

Dr. Abbas suggested working on creating a research center for the evaluation of fuel products that are used to produce electricity.

The committee chair emphasized the importance of the subject and expressed the committee’s support. He assured the academics that the reports and research presented in the meeting will be sent to the Council of Ministers.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee

15 March - The committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), held their regular meeting.

The committee discussed how to work on Kurdistan Region’s 2021 budget bill with relevant parties so that it is gender responsive and fair to different sections of society. The budget bill is expected to be sent by the KRG soon.

Then discussions were held about the committee's work plan for the new legislative season.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

15 March - The committee, led by the chair Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), launched two new books on the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area, explsining the historical and geographical realities.

The first book is Kurdistani Areas, Their Historical Truth and Geographical Location written by Prof. Khalil Esmail, and the second one Parts of the Laws and Decisions on the Implementation Steps of Article 140 of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq, prepared by Dr. Khamosh Omer.

The chair gave a summary of both books, thanked the writers, and hoped that they will be a source of information in the history and geography of the Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area.

The books will be used for the work of the committee and can be used as a source for researchers and committee visitors.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

15 March - The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), held their regular meeting.

The summary of the previous meeting and all the notes and requests directed to the committee were read and discussed according to Parliament’s procedures, and will be sent to the relevant authorities for follow-up and action.

The MPs discussed prisoners’ conditions and rights in Kurdistan Region and the excesses against them, and the committee decided to follow up with several human rights organizations on obtaining complete data and real statistics.

Committee members who made visits to scrutinize some cases and issues briefed the committee on their findings, so that they can decide what steps to take on them.

Committee on Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism

15 March - The Committee, led by chair Luqman Wardi (PUK), welcomed the staff of the non-profit consultancy Institute for International Law and Human Rights (IILHR). Fuad Ahmad, the head of Parliament’s research centre, also participated.

The content of the legislative proposal on protection of archaeological sites and heritage in the Kurdistan Region was discussed. Its first reading was held at a sitting on 7 July 2020 and directed to the committee.

The committee thanked the staff of IILHR for their comments and suggestions, and said that they will make some changes to the bill based on their comments before its second reading.