Committees' recent meetings - 30 March 2021
A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and meetings:
Health, Environment and Protection of Human Rights Committee
17 March – The committee, led by the vice chair Dr. Shayan Kaka Salih (Change), discussed and decided their programme and plans for the current legislative session. All the notes and requests sent to the committee were read and forwarded to the relevant authorities for follow-up.
17 March – The committee, led by the rapporteur Rozhan Slevani (KDP) met with the head and deputy of the Kurdistan Pharmacists Syndicate, to discuss how to work together on amending the Kurdistan pharmacists syndicate law.
They decided that the committee, the Ministry of Health and the Pharmacists Syndicate should meet to work together on improving the current draft amendments to the law.
Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee
17 March – The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), drafted their report on a legislative proposal to designate a Kurdistan Journalism Day, and decided to direct the report to Parliament’s Presidency to go through the necessary legislative procedures.
Committee members Mam Burhan Qanie (Independent) and Goran Inzibat (Change) prepared a report with recommendations on the use of Kurdish language in commercial places, formal writing in official documents in Kurdistan Region’s administration and paying more attention to Kurdish script. The committee decided to direct the report to Parliament’s Presidency.
Municipalities Committee and Agriculture and Irrigation Committee
17 March – The two committees met with Akram Ahmed, the general manager of the region's dams, and Nazir Asad, the director of the groundwater in Erbil, to discuss the Bill on Water Management and Conservation. They gave their views and suggestions on the bill and both committees asked the officials about dams and groundwater.
They agreed to continue discussions on the bill until the law is passed so that it best serves the public interest.
Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee
17 March – The committee, led by the chair Esmail Sgery (KIU) discussed all of the notes and requests received and replied to some of them. They discussed their monitoring of Parliament and its administration and the complaints raised to them for investigation.
Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee
17 March – The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), met with staff of the non-profit consultancy the International Institute of Law and Human Rights (IILHR) and discussed amending Law No. 22 of 2011, the Law on the Rights and Privileges of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs.
The committee had previously held a workshop in Parliament which included IILHR, on how to strengthen rights, work towards meeting international standards and the obstacles to achieving them, and the details of the articles that will be amended.
The committee said that they will benefit from IILHR’s suggestions to improve the amendments.
Interior and Local Councils Committee
17 March – The committee, led by the chair Shakhawan Rauf Beg (Change), read the notes and requests sent to them and either responded or directed them to Parliament’s Presidency for the required follow-up.
The committee members presented the results of their reports and investigations. They also discussed the current situation for citizens and local forces, and they decided to look into this further by meeting in the future with the directors of traffic for the Region and of each governorate and independent administration.
Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee
16 March – The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), began their meeting with a minute's silence in remembrance of the victims of the 1988 Halabja chemical attack, marking the 33rd anniversary.
The committee members gave their views on the decisions regarding the Coronavirus by the High Committee on Containing the Coronavirus and the ministries of Higher Education and Education. They said that allowing students to continue their education is very important but students' and the general public’s health must be protected. Mr. Dolamari said that the committee will continue its close communication with the two ministries to benefit from each other’s views.
The committee read all the requests and memos directed to them and raised them with the relevant authorities.