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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Energy Committee MPs visit KRG Electricity Ministry

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs on 28 February met with the Kurdistan Regional Government Ministry for Electricity Kamal Mohammad Salih and his staff.

Dr. Hawrami and MPs of Parliament's standing Committee on Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry went to the ministry for the meeting. 

The Deputy Speaker thanked the Electricity Ministry for cooperating with Parliament's committees and asked about its implementation of the KRG ninth cabinet's manifesto and of the Reform Law.

Dr. Hawrami and the MPs also asked what the Ministry is doing to improve the electricity sector in terms of generation, transmission, distribution, use of smart meters, preventing violations and reviewing contracts.

Parliament is ready to draft new legislation and amend existing laws that would serve improvements in the provision and management of electricity, Deputy Speaker Hawrami said.

Minister Kamal Mohammad Salih explained the electricity sector reforms and projects that the current KRG cabinet is undertaking.

Members of Parliament's standing committee, Minister Kamal Mohammad Salih and the Ministry staff had a lengthy discussion.

The meeting at the Electricity Ministry was part of a series of visits led by Deputy Speaker Hawrami, during Parliament's winter recess, to scrutinize the work of the Government.