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Deputy Speaker Hawrami’s statement on anniversaries of 1970 Autonomy Agreement and 1991 Uprising in Erbil city

On the 51st anniversary of the March 11, 1970 Autonomy Agreement between the Kurdistani leadership and Iraqi Government, and the 30th anniversary of Erbil city's uprising in the Kurdish Uprising of 1991, the Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami made the following statement:

The signing of the historic March 11, 1970 Autonomy Agreement between the leadership of the Kurdish September Revolution and the Iraqi Government was a major turning point for the Kurdistan Liberation Movement. It was the first time that the Iraqi Central Government acknowledged and granted the political, national, administrative and cultural rights of the Kurdish people and had to solve the Kurdish question through peace and dialogue. Under the leadership of Mala Mustafa Barzani, the struggle and sacrifices made by the people and leaders, together with the September Revolution, forced the Iraqi Government to acknowledge the rights of the people of Kurdistan.

The March 11 Autonomy Agreement was the hard-won result of Kurdistan’s Liberation Movement, through the September Revolution led by the legendary Mala Mastafa Barzani, and laid the foundations for later achievements by the people of Kurdistan.

The Autonomy Agreement showed that true resolution can be found by making great strides through discussion and mutual understanding, and also showed the people of Kurdistan’s commitment to our right to negotiate and talk to find fundamental solutions, only resorting to arms when forced in order to restore our rights.

March 11th is also the anniversary of the day that Erbil revolted as part of the 1991 Kurdish Uprising. Erbil, our proud and brave city that epitomises the achievements of the Kurdish Uprising and administration, and the values of tolerance, coexistence and progress that are desperately needed in this entire region. My best wishes go out to the brave and patient people of Erbil and of all Kurdistan on this anniversary, and my hope is that all cities and countries enjoy more progress and prosperity.

I offer my deep respect to the memory of the martyrs of the Kurdish Uprising and all those who gave their lives on our path towards Kurdistan’s freedom.

On this anniversary, I ask all of you and all the political parties to be united in support of our official institutions, in order to protect Kurdistan Region's constitutional and legal status and to resolve in full the outstanding issues with Baghdad according to the Constitution.

After Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi’s call for a national dialogue to solve the outstanding issues in Iraq and the KRG's positive response, we ask Iraq’s political forces to acknowledge with an open heart the rights and wishes of the people of Kurdistan, because by persisting in rejecting and ignoring them, the problems in Iraq will never be solved, people’s demands will increase and no amount of pressure will make the people give up on their rights.

I ask all Kurdish parties to put aside disagreements and to stand together in unity to secure the rights of the people of Kurdistan, because whenever our nation is united around one goal, we have made great achievements for our people.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

11 March 2021