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MPs hold second reading of Bill on Protection of Domestic Products, reflect on 30 years after Kurdish Uprising and International Women's Day

Speaker Rewaz Faiq on 8 March presided over a sitting on the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Kurdish Uprising. MPs reflected on the past 30 years, and the chair of the Protection of Women’s Rights Committee gave a speech marking International Women’s Day. MPs held the second reading of the Law on Protection of Domestic Products.

Many MPs said the Kurdish Uprising of March 1991, 30 years ago, was the turning point in Kurdistan Region’s recent history.

Some MPs said that the Uprising led to the establishment of the Region’s government and Parliament, and that today the political parties and movements of Kurdistan should be united and work together to serve the people, particularly families of martyrs, former political prisoners and Peshmerga veterans.

Some MPs stressed protecting the constitutional status of Kurdistan Region, increasing freedoms, the failure to overcome some problems and shortcomings, ending corruption, changing the system of government and implementing the Reform Law.

MP Lanja Dizayee (KDP), Chair of the Women's Rights Committee, made a speech congratulating Kurdish women on International Women’s Day. She said, “March 8th marks a historic turning point in women’s struggle for humane values, basic rights, freedom, equality and justice, and to be treated equally.”

"We honour the women throughout the world who have sacrificed their lives to fight against oppression, injustice and violations of women's rights," she said.

Ms. Dizayee referred to the Kurdistani women’s role and struggle for the rights of not only women but also for the Kurdistani nation and people. She said, "Today when we celebrate the anniversary of our great Uprising, it is fitting that we remember the brave women who gave their lives for our nation’s freedom.”

Ms. Dizayee said that the committee is working hard along with others to increase women’s participation and positions in politics, administration and other areas, especially in high-level decision-making and negotiations.

She also referred to the laws that relate to women’s rights and interests passed by Parliament, the challenges to achieving women’s rights and gender equality, and the need to remove obstacles and to ensure that laws are enforced.

The legislative and commerce committees then held the second reading of the Bill on Protection of Domestic Products in Kurdistan Region - Iraq. MPs gave their detailed critiques, comments and suggestions on each article.

The purpose of the legislation is to develop the domestic industrial and agricultural sectors by protecting them from detrimental actions, ensuring fair competition, giving local producers the opportunity to improve their capabilities and compete in the national and international markets; to uphold domestic consumers’ interests by minimizing harmful actions against them, and banning unfair pricing of domestic products that are protected in the domestic market.

Speaker Faiq asked the Halabja parliamentary group to prepare a detailed note on the anniversary of the 16 March 1988 chemical bombardment of Halabja.