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Parliament holds photography exhibition on late Dr. Rozh Nuri Shawes's life and career

The Kurdistan Parliament on 29 March held an exhibition of photographs of the late Dr. Rozh Nuri Shawes, the former speaker of Parliament who passed away in February.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci attended the opening of the exhibition, which was curated by Parliament’s photographer Mr. Mahmoud Hawleri.

The late Dr. Rozh’s wife and his relatives, MPs, Parliament staff and other guests also attended the opening.  

The photographs covered decades of Dr. Rozh’s life and career, first as a Peshmerga in the mountains fighting for his nation’s autonomy and democratic rights, during and after the 1991 Kurdish Uprising, and later as a statesman in very high positions in the institutions of Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Dr. Rozh was the Parliament Speaker from 1999 to 2002, and then from 2002 to 2005 in the transitional period to prepare for Kurdistan Region’s two administrations unifying he was Co-Speaker together with Dr. Kamal Fuad.