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Speaker Rewaz Faiq on International Women's Day: "Don't give up, don't lose heart, because it is not easy to be a woman in these distorted conditions in work and politics'

On this International Women's Day, I convey my best wishes to the women of Kurdistan and the world. On this special day, I honour the memory of the women who made sacrifices for the liberation and equality of our people. Just as women struggled valiantly alongside men for the rights and demands of our people and communities, it is time for the women of Kurdistan to be courageous in our struggle for equality and for all our political, economic and social rights.

Dear women of Kurdistan, my view on women’s rights and our status is clear: We must fully implement and enforce laws that affect women’s rights, including the amended Election Law (No. 1 of 1992), Law on Combating Domestic Violence (No. 8 of 2011), the amended Law on Implementation of the amended Personal Status Law 188 of 1959 (No. 15 of 2008), and any other law that concerns women’s rights and interests.

I believe that to strengthen women's positions in families and communities, our economic power must be strengthened, and that it is the duty of Kurdistan Region’s institutions to provide equal and decent opportunities for girls and women to work in the public and private sector and reduce female unemployment.

At the same time, Parliament, government and the courts, whether by law or by strict measures, should do whatever necessary to protect women from exploitation and abuse at work or anywhere else.

This March 8th, I hope that the women of Kurdistan will achieve their full rights and I support their dreams and desires. I want to say to you, "Don't give up, don't lose heart, keep going and insist, because it is not easy to be a woman in these distorted conditions in work and politics, even as the head of one of the Region’s constitutional institutions.”

Dr. Rewaz Faiq Hussein

Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

8 March 2021