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Attack on Peshmerga in Prde: Peshmerga Committee calls for Iraqi and Peshmerga forces to cooperate to fill security gap

Last night on the Peshmerga's front in Prde, three Peshmerga soldiers, Captain Pishtiwan Zrari, Idris Barham and Hemin Yahya Saeed were killed, and several others were injured in an attack by ISIS terrorists.

This is not the first time such cowardly attacks have been carried out on Peshmerga forces, many times ISIS terrorists have exploited the security gap between the Peshmerga forces and the Iraqi federal army to attack the Peshmerga.

We call for more cooperation between the Peshmerga forces and federal Iraqi forces and we call on the Coalition forces to play a greater role in mediating to initiate cooperation and joint operations between them.

We demand that Peshmerga forces return to the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administration, to protect these areas.

We convey our deepest condolences to the families of the killed Peshmerga, may their souls rest in peace, and we hope for a speedy recovery for the injured.

Peshmerga Committee in Kurdistan Parliament

1 May 2021