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Committees' recent meetings - 20 May 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent work and meetings:

Martyrs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

18 May – The committee, led by the chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), discussed the proposal to amend the Law on the Rights and Privileges of the Families of Martyrs, Anfal victims, Genocide victims, and Former Political Prisoners, and after exchanging views, the committee decided to discuss the proposed amendments with advisers.

The MPs decided to continue visits to the directorates of martyrs and Anfal affairs across Kurdistan Region and to also follow up on the outcome of their previous visits in terms of how far the Reform Law has been implemented.

The committee reviewed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded to them.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

18 May - The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), discussed three bills on preservation of documents, manuscripts and national archives, which had their first readings at a sitting on 5 May. The committee decided to prepare a report combining all three bills and submit it to Parliament’s presidency to continue the legislative process.

Then Goran Omar (Change), read a report that he prepared together with Jalal Pareshan (KDP) on the state of national cultural groups (folk music, dance, arts groups), their problems and shortcomings, and making recommendations on how to better organize these national groups.