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Committees' recent meetings - 26 May 2021

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

24 May - The committee, led by chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), discussed the problems facing part time teachers, contract-based employees, and the top three graduates of universities and institutes.

The MPs exchanged views and agreed that these groups are asking for their rights and that appropriate solutions must be found.

The committee decided to ask the ministries of Finance and Economy, Education, and Higher Education and Scientific Research for explanations and information, and to set up a mechanism to solve the problems facing teachers, contract employees and the top three higher education graduates.

The committee read all the notes and requests directed to them, some of them were answered, and others were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for further work.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

24 May - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP), held their usual meeting.

The MPs briefed the committee on their recent visits and investigations into the Coronavirus vaccinations delivery programme and mechanism in the provinces and districts. They directed their notes about the problems to the Presidency of parliament in a report.

The committee read all the notes and requests directed to them, some of them were answered, and others were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for further work.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

24 May - Members of the committee, led by vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), met with the president and members of the High Fatwa Council of the Kurdistan Region.

They discussed the importance of both sides cooperating to further improve the religious situation and to promote communal peace.

They discussed the affairs of religious scholars and commended the role of religious teachers in raising awareness of issues in the community.

The importance of a law specific to endowment properties in the Kurdistan Region was also discussed, and in this context, they discussed Bill on Amendments to the Implementation of the Law on Management of Endowments, Law No. 64 of 1966, which has had its first reading at a sitting, and the committee has asked the Supreme Fatwa Council to give their views on the bill.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

24 May - The committee, led by chair Shakhawan Rauf Mustafa (Change) discussed the bill on the Court in Kurdistan Region for Crimes by ISIS, where it concerns Kurdistan’s security forces.

The meeting also discussed the guards units, and the committee decided to form a subcommittee to investigate those issues.

The committee discussed all the notes and requests directed them. Several of them were answered, and others were directed to Parliament's presidency to resolve and follow-up with the relevant authorities.

Energy, Natural Resources, Commerce and Industry Committee

24 May - The Committee, led by chair Ali Hama Salih (Change), met with Kamal Muslim, the KRG Minister of Commerce and Industry, with his two deputies and the general director of company registration.

The meeting discussed the application of and amendments to the Law on Industrial Investment for Private and Mixed Sectors, amended Law No. 20 of 1998, in Kurdistan Region – Iraq, which had its first reading on 18 May.

Peshmerga Committee

24 May – The committee, led by the chair Reving Heruri (KDP), discussed forming two sub-committees to visit Peshmerga forces on the front lines of protecting Kurdistan Region in the governorates of Erbil, Duhok and Slemani, in order to prepare a comprehensive report for Parliament’s presidency on the personnel, distance and borders in each location, the requirements of each frontline, the working mechanism, and the quality of weapons and supplies.

The MPs decided to form a committee to visit the Veteran Peshmerga Association and the Gulan Peshmerga Organization to have a better idea about the number of Peshmerga in both veterans organizations.

Several other issues were discussed by MPs, such as the return of the Peshmerga forces to the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administration, Peshmerga salaries and the formation of the operations room and the Turkish bombing of Kurdistan Region’s border areas.

The MPs reviewed and discussed the letters and requests sent by the public and responded to them.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

24 May – The committee, led by its chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), discussed the reform process in the general directorates of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs in the Kurdistan Region.

The committee’s advisors presented a report for discussion on amending the Law on the Rights and Privileges of the Families of Martyrs and Anfal Victim.

The Committee decided to meet with the Reform Law implementation committees in the general directorates of Martyrs and Anfal Victims in the KRG governorates, to closely follow up on the progress of applying the Reform Law.

The committee also reviewed and discussed the letters and requests sent by the public and made decisions on how to follow up and respond to them.