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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and MPs visit Kurdistan Teachers Union on their 59th anniversary

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs on 17 May visited the Kurdistan Teachers Union (KTU) to congratulate them on their 59th anniversary.

Dr. Hawrami and MPs from Parliament’s Education Committee were welcomed by the KTU’s president, deputy and secretariat members, and on behalf of Kurdistan Parliament they conveyed their best wishes and commended the role of teachers in different stages of Kurdistan’s liberation movement.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that teachers have served selflessly during very difficult economic times, to educate Kurdistan’s future generations.

The Deputy Speaker also said that he was glad that the government has decided to reopen schools, which have been only open intermittently due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and said he hopes that the academic process will be successful despite the current adverse health situation.

The staff of the KTU thanked the MPs for their visit and asked Parliament to help resolve teachers’, pupils’ and students’ problems.

The MPs said that they will continue to look into the problems that teachers have raised through Parliament’s Committee of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, and with the ministries of education and higher education.

The delegation said the Kurdistan Parliament will not hesitate to pass legislation and urge the authorities to provide better livelihoods for Kurdistan’s teachers. They said that the challenges can be overcome by working together.