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Deputy Speaker Hawrami’s statement on 45th anniversary of Gulan Revolution

On the 45th anniversary of the beginning of the Gulan Revolution, I congratulate all the people of Kurdistan, President Barzani, and our heroic Peshmerga.

The Gulan (May) Revolution was an extension of the Aylul (September) Revolution that was led by our nation’s leader Mustafa Barzani, in which people from across Kurdistan rose up. The Aylul Revolution was the first step towards achieving the rights of our people and making our cause known to the world.

After several countries conspired against the Aylul Revolution, the revolutionists prevented the enemies' dreams from becoming a reality. They lit the revolutionary torch in the mountains once again, gladdening the hearts of all Kurds and of the world’s freedom-loving peoples.

President Barzani, the immortal Idris Barzani, all the Peshmerga and leaders of the revolution showed once again that they would not bow down to any force and would continue their dream and goal of securing the rights of the people of Kurdistan.

I urge Kurdistan’s political parties to be closer, in the spirit of reconciliation and brotherhood, and to place the interests of the people of Kurdistan above party or personal interests, just as at the end of the Gulan Revolution all the forces came together and formed the Kurdistan Front, thereby making great achievements for the people of Kurdistan.

On this anniversary I extend my best wishes to all revolutionaries, and I bow my head in tribute to the heroes who continued the revolution and gave their lives in the struggle for the rights of the Kurdistani people.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament