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Deputy Speaker Hawrami visits families of three Peshmerga martyred near Prde

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 2 May led a delegation of MPs, including the chairs of the Peshmerga and Martyrs Affairs committees, to offer their condolences to the families of three Peshmerga soldiers, Captain Pshtiwan Zrari, Idris Barham and Hemin Yahya Saeed, who lost their lives on 1 May in an ISIS attack near Prde.

On behalf of Parliament’s Presidency, Deputy Speaker Hawrami expressed his heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen Peshmerga who died defending the people and land of Kurdistan Region from terrorists. Dr. Hawrami told the Peshmergas’ families that he prays for God to give them strength and patience in their grief at this very difficult time.