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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami conveys best wishes on Eid of Ramadan

My best wishes to Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world on this blessed Eid of Ramadan (Eid Al-Fitr).

Acceptance, forgiveness and tolerance are the symbols of the Eid celebration. In the spirit of the blessed Eid, we can overcome challenges and all the political parties and movements must be united.

Ensuring the unity of our homeland is the basic, essential duty of Kurdish political movements, especially at this critical stage. We need reconciliation and unity to protect our achievements.

I ask everyone in Kurdistan to follow the health guidelines to protect themselves from the Coronavirus. We have taken many measures to contain the virus, and what remains to be done is more self-protection and each of us protecting those around us.

I pray that God accepts your fasting and prayers, and I ask God to protect Kurdistan and to make our nation stronger and more prosperous.

My thoughts are with out brave Peshmerga and with the families of all the martyrs of Kurdistan.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

12 May 2021