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Health and Environment Committee’s statement on logging Kurdistan’s forests

We are appalled by and strongly reject the Turkish government's logging of trees in Zakho and Amedi districts in Duhok province.

The trees of southern Kurdistan’s forests are a national asset, guarantee the provision of clean water and air, and are the habitat for various animals involved in the balance of nature.

Harming the water and environment of Kurdistan is harming the health of the citizens of Kurdistan.

We strongly reject these actions and we call on the Turkish state and anyone who is involved in these illegal, unnatural and anti-environmental acts to stop and protect the rights of their neighbours.

Per Article 33 of the Iraqi Constitution, the Iraqi state is responsible for protecting the environment and its biological diversity.

In Kurdistan Region’s Environmental Protection and Improvement Law No. 8 of 2008, those who destroy the environment of those areas must be brought to justice.

It is the duty of the Iraqi state and the Kurdistan Regional Government to raise this issue with the relevant parties in the Turkish state to stop these acts.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

Kurdistan Parliament

31 May 2021