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Parliament and KRG discuss murders, suicides, domestic violence and possession of weapons

The Kurdistan Parliament on 25 May held a sitting to discuss murders, suicides, domestic violence and possession of weapons with the relevant KRG ministers, and to ask the KRG what it is doing to reduce such crimes.

The Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq presided over the sitting, with Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci alongside her.

Before starting the business of the agenda, MPs discussed public income including customs border income and the KRG’s 21% cut to public sector salaries. MPs asked for a sitting on these issues, and Speaker Faiq asked them to give the Presidency of Parliament a written request.

The main item on the order of business was a report and discussion about the crimes of murder in general, murders of women and suicides, in the presence of the KRG ministers of Interior, Culture and Youth, Labour and Social Affairs, and Endowment and Religious Affairs, and the Head of the High Council on Women’s Affairs.

Parliament’s Protection of Women's Rights Committee read out a joint report on the issue that they had prepared together with Parliament’s legislative, social affairs, interior and civil society committees.

They highlighted the efforts of Kurdistan Parliament and KRG to bring about social peace, protect women's rights in particular and reduce the crimes of murder and suicides, and the important role of the Kurdistan Parliament as the representative of the people in scrutinizing the authorities and drafting legislation.

MPs asked the ministers to explain the rise in the statistics recorded on murders, suicides, possession of weapons, and domestic violence. They debated gaps in the law or problems with implementing legislation, the steps that the relevant ministries are taking to prevent or prosecute such cases and reduce possession of firearms, and the role of the High Council on Women’s Affairs.

MPs gave their views on the report and on the reasons for the rise in crimes in the statistics. They stressed the rule of law to eliminate carrying of weapons, and made suggestions on how to reduce the crimes.

The KRG ministers and Head of the High Council on Women’s Affairs responded to all the questions and comments from MPs.