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Parliament holds first reading of Bill on Criminal Court for crimes by ISIS, second reading of Bill on Electricity Ministry

The Kurdistan Parliament on 5 May held the first reading of the Bill on the Criminal Court for crimes by ISIS and bills on preservation of documents and archives, and the second reading of Bill on the Ministry of Electricity in Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami presided over the first part of the sitting, alongside Secretary Muna Kahveci. The legislative committee also held the first reading of the bills on preservation of documents, manuscripts, and national archives in Kurdistan Region, and Deputy Speaker Hawrami assigned the relevant standing committees as well as the legislative committee with working on the bills.

MP Liza Falakadin Kakayi (KDP) made a speech about using solar energy to generate electricity in Kurdistan Region. She described Denmark’s experience of using solar energy for electricity, and she called on the Kurdistan Regional Government to make much greater efforts on using this renewable, clean energy source. She said that using solar technology would help to reduce costs in the electricity sector in Kurdistan Region and she made many suggestions on how to take full advantage of solar energy.

 Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq presided over a last part of the sitting, with the participation of the KRG Minister of Electricity, Kamal Mohammad Salih Khalil, for the second reading of the Bill on the Ministry of Electricity in Kurdistan Region.

Parliament’s Energy Committee together with the Legislative Committee read all the suggestions made for each article of the Bill, for the purpose of the bill and the bill’s entirety. MPs made their comments and suggestions for each article, and the Minister Kamal Mohammad gave his views on the MPs’ opinions.

The bill aims to reflect the importance of electricity for daily life, public health and as one of the foundations of the economy, will regulate the ministry’s goals and responsibilities, and will organize and regulate the public and private sectors.

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq said, “The next Parliament sitting will be after the holy Eid of Ramadan, and I ask the legislative and energy committees to prepare their final report on the bill so that it can be put to vote at a future sitting.”