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Parliament Presidency's statement on 29th anniversary of first Kurdistan parliamentary election

On the 29th anniversary of Kurdistan’s first parliamentary election, we convey our best wishes to the beloved people of Kurdistan.

The parliamentary election was a bold decision by the Kurdistan Front and political leadership to achieve some of the historic goals of our nation, in difficult and unstable political and economic times and amid national and regional conflict and upheaval.

The election and the vote of confidence given to the first KRG cabinet were pivotal and embodied the people's will and desire for self-government and democracy, for those who were oppressed to achieve their legitimate political, civil and cultural rights.

Today the Kurdistan Parliament, as a constitutional institution of Kurdistan Region, within the limits of our authority and without discriminating between religions and ethnicities, strives to fulfill our nation’s highest goals and to represent the citizens’ rights and demands, which is part of our legal and constitutional duty.

We never forget Kurdistan’s martyrs who gave their lives so that we could achieve the freedom to establish our democratic institutions, the Kurdistan Parliament and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

19 May 2021