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Parliament's Presidency condemns in strongest terms ISIS attack on Peshmerga in Prde

Last night, ISIS terrorists again attacked Kurdistan’s Peshmerga forces in Prde, killing and injuring several Peshmerga. Kurdistan’s Peshmerga forces once again fought with courage and some gave their lives defending the people and land of Kurdistan from invasion.

This attack reminds us that Erbil and Baghdad must agree on the administration of the Kurdistani areas [outside the KRG administrative area] as soon as possible and must find a lasting solution under Article 140 of the Constitution. We believe it is essential that the Global Coalition remain in Kurdistan and Iraq, to support and train the Peshmerga forces in the fight against ISIS, end terrorist attacks once and for all, and prevent the reemergence of ISIS and their allied groups, who remain a threat to Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the world.

On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, we condemn in the strongest terms the attack on Kurdistan’s Peshmerga forces in Prde by ISIS terrorists. Our sincere condolences go out to the families of those who lost their lives to defend Kurdistan Region and our peace and stability. We hope for the speedy recovery of the injured.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

1 May 2021