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Secretary Muna Kahveci speaks on rights of ethnic and religious communities in a future Kurdistan Constitution

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 19 May spoke at a major conference on the idea of a Constitution for the Kurdistan Region, saying that while the rights of Kurdistan’s original communities are enshrined in law, a modern constitution would more fully determine their rights.

Secretary Kahveci said, “"The concept of coexistence in society is embodied when individuals of the community accept each other's differences and do not oppose each other."

Ms. Kahveci, herself a Turkman, added, “The different communities’ rights are enshrined in the legislation of the Kurdistan Region, but with a modern constitution, the full rights of ethnic groups, religions and communities will be more fully determined.”

She made the speech as part of the panel on rights and freedoms of the original religious and ethnic components in a future Constitution of Kurdistan. The conference was organized by the University of Kurdistan – Hawler (UKH).