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Committees' recent meetings - 30 November 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ work and meetings:

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

30 November – The committee discussed the Bill on Supervision of Agricultural Projects which will have its second reading soon.

The committee decided to visit the village of Grbdaw in Bardarash district to look into farmers’ problems.

All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

Legislative, Martyrs and Kurdistani Areas committees

15 November – The three committees held a joint meeting to prepare their report on the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Missing and Disappeared, Law No. 3 of 1999. The bill has had its second reading and the committees prepared the report for voting. The report was sent to Parliament’s Presidency so that the amendments can be scheduled for voting at a future sitting.  

Legislative Committee

22 November – The committee met with KRG Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Begard Talabani to review the Bill on Supervision of Agricultural Projects and prepare it for its second reading.

Legislative Committee with Interior Committee

30 November – The two committees discussed the Bill on Private Security Companies, to prepare it for its third reading and vote at a sitting soon.

Protection of Women’s Rights Committee

11 November – The committee visited the Governor of Duhok Dr. Ali Tatar.

They discussed the situation for women, their role in government institutions, statistics on domestic violence and violence against women, how to enforce the Kurdistan Region's laws on women's rights and protections, and how to solve the problems.

Governor Tatar expressed his full support for improving the protection, development and empowerment of women and their roles in institutions based on their ability and expertise.

The two sides decided to have more cooperation on these issues.

14 November – The committee went to Duhok to scrutinize the work of the Family and Women's Violence Directorate, the women's shelter, and women's prison.

The MPs looked into how the work is being conducted, particularly in terms of enforcing and implementing relevant laws.

The committee emphasized investigating and solving the problems with the relevant parties in the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The MPs also met with a large number of women's rights organizations. The committee said that they will take the organizations’ views and suggestions into account when working on legislation and scrutinizing the executive.

25 November – The committee issued this statement on International Day For the Elimination of Violence against Women:

On this International Day For the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November, and on the 16th campaign to combat violence against women around the world, which was decided by the United Nations and countries around the world to tackle crimes of violence against women through various projects and activities, and to work for a world free from violence and filled with peace and love;

We reaffirm our pledge to women in the Kurdistan Region that we will continue to scrutinize the enforcement of women's rights and protection laws in the Kurdistan Region, and to look at, amend or pass legislation as needed on any issue related to women's rights, and to repeal laws that discriminate against women. We will stand against violence against women and families with all our might, and we will remain staunchly in defence of women's rights.

The Kurdistan Parliament, at the seventh ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the third year of the fifth term of Parliament, 23 October 2021, with the support of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament, held the first reading of the Bill on Combating Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women. We will try to discuss it intensively in a short time frame with all relevant parties, in the hope that it will be passed into law in this term of Parliament so that many of the challenges in the implementation of some articles of Law No. 8 of 2011, the Domestic Violence Law, will be overcome, which has been the law that has applied to this issue for the last 10 years.

On this important occasion, let us all move the world together and take steps towards peace and love.

30 November – The committee, together with MPs from several other parliament committees, met with the Women’s Academy for Leadership in Iraq, who asked that more be done to increase the number of women in decision-making roles, particularly in government, and to ensure leadership positions for them, just as there is already a quota for women in Parliament. 

They also discussed providing more job opportunities for women and achieving rights for women generally.

MPs from the legislative, social affairs and culture committees participated in the meeting.

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

8 November – The committee met with Jamil Abubakr, Director General of Insurance, and Parwin Nouri, Director General of the budget of the KRG Ministry of Finance.

They discussed the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Ms. Nouri explained the steps taken to prepare the 2022 budget bill.

The committee decided to continue discussing these two issues at future meetings and to give their findings to Parliament’s Presidency.

22 November – The committee met with KRG Minister for the Region for Parliament Affairs, Dr. Vala Fareed, and exchanged views on the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Ministry of Finance and the Economy. 

The committee decided to ask the KRG for audit reports for 2019 and 2020, and for the 2022 budget bill.

30 November – Speaker Rewaz Faiq chaired the committee’s meeting. They exchanged views on the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Ministry of Finance and Economy. They also decided to write to the Presidency of the KRG Council of Ministers asking that the government send the budget bill on time.

The meeting began with a minute’s silence for the five Peshmerga soldiers killed in an ISIS terrorist attack in Kulajo.

Martyrs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

17 November – The committee discussed their plan to campaign for more international recognition of the genocide against the Kurds. They also talked about designating a martyrs day in Kurdistan, and to get the views of Kurdistan’s political parties about asking Parliament to formally designate a day.

The committee decided to hold a conference on the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, 9 December.

They also decided to write to Parliaments’ Presidency about the mounds that are at risk of being destroyed, such as Topzawa.

The requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to the relevant authorities for the necessary follow-up.

29 November – The committee decided to meet with the families of the Peshmerga soldiers killed in an ISIS terrorist attack in Kulajo.

They also discussed preparations with Parliament’s Research Centre to mark the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, on 9 December.

On the French National Assembly’s rejection on 27 November of the draft resolution on recognizing the genocide against the Kurds, the committee said that they should have visited France to advocate for the resolution, which lost the vote.

The MPs also emphasized the importance of the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare.

22 November – The committee met with KRG Martyrs and Anfal Affairs Ministry’s committee tasked with reviewing the list of former political prisoners.

The MPs asked for details of the reviewing committee’s work and asked many questions.

The Director General of the Review Committee gave a detailed explanation and said that unjustified claims would be removed from the list of former political prisoners, but that the process needs more time and cooperation from all sides in order to accomplish it.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

10 November – The committee discussed the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Missing and Disappeared in the Campaigns of Genocide against the Kurdistani People in Kurdistan Region - Iraq, Law No. 3 of 1999, to prepare it for its second reading at a Parliament sitting soon. The aim of the amendments is to include in the law those who disappeared due to ISIS’s attacks, crimes and campaigns, so that their families’ rights are guaranteed.

The MPs also discussed organizing a conference on the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area, so that the conference’s recommendations can be given to the KRG.

15 November – The committee met with the Kirkuk branch office of the Kurdistan Parliament and the director of the KRG’s departments in Kirkuk.

The MPs said they will look into the problems highlighted by the officials and will raise them with the KRG, KRG ministries and the KRG’s representative in Baghdad.

28 November – The committee visited the Peshmerga forces in Sahela and then with the Duhok commands forces’ security and administration, and representatives of the citizens of Shingal and Zumar to hear about their problems, especially now that all the Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG administrative area are coming under more security threats and increased ISIS movements.

Peshmerga Committee

22 November – The committee discussed some of the problems experienced by Peshmerga brigades and forces and decided to meet with the Minister of Peshmerga to investigate and help resolve the problems.

It was decided that the Legislative Proposal on the Rights and Privileges of Peshmerga Veterans would be sent to Parliament’s Presidency, to get the KRG’s views on it.

The requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

28 November – The committee issued this statement about the ISIS attack against Peshmerga forces in Kulajo:

Last night, ISIS militants again attacked Peshmerga forces in Tapi Talan, Kulajo. A bomb planted in a Peshmerga car killing five Peshmerga soldiers: Ibrahim Baram, Ismail Muhammad, Aras Samin, Amin Hussein and Nabard Saeed, and injured four others.

We express our deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs and hope that the injured make a speedy recovery. The attacks are the relentless work of terrorists targeting our people and territory, while the Peshmerga forces continue to bravely face terrorists to protect the Kurdistan Region.

We call on the Iraqi federal government and the KRG to expedite arrangements to create the joint brigades and to implement cooperation between the Iraqi Army and the Peshmerga forces through the Joint Security Committee, in order to fill the security gaps on all the frontlines, prevent ISIS terrorists from evading capture and stop such attacks.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

29 November – The committee discussed the problems with medicines and their high price, and medicine labels and leaflets, and they decided to form a subcommittee to look into these issues and prepare a report on them to present at a future Parliament sitting. 

The MPs decided to ask for a meeting with the Head of the Kurdistan Environmental Protection Board regarding environmental pollution.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

8 November - The committee with Parliament’s Research Centre held a conference on Turkmen culture, journalism and NGOs. Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci and Turkmen journalists and community members attended.

Secretary Kahveci called for serious discussions on the problems facing Turkmen journalism and culture, and for recommendations to be drafted and directed to Parliament’s Presidency. She commended Kurdistan Region’s peaceful coexistence between different ethnicities and religions.

Speakers from different organizations spoke about the role and position of Turkmen in the political process, the historic relationship between the Kurds and Turkmen, and the prospects and challenges for Turkman journalism. The conference ended with Turkmen art and cultural activities.

10 November – The committee discussed the migration from Kurdistan Region, particularly by young people, which has been ongoing for some time and has become very difficult with migrants facing harsh conditions in Belarus and its neighbouring countries.

The committee had previously written a report on youth migration and youth unemployment and sent it to Parliament’s Presidency, and it was presented and discussed at a sitting. They decided to update the report and send it to the Presidency again in order to have another sitting on the issue.

23 November – The committee visited the Kurdistan Artists Syndicate. The head of the syndicate explained their work and challenges and asked for the committee’s support for their demands. The committee said that they will discuss the syndicate’s demands at their next meeting.

Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee

8 November – The committee met with the KRG Minister Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism, Sasan Awni, and some ministry staff.

They discussed the Tourism Bill, residential water meters, the need for green spaces in urban centres, the lack of utilities and services for plots of land in Hasarok 8 area.

Minister Sasan Awni said that the Tourism Bill is good but needs the committee to work together with ministry staff to make some changes to it.

On household water meters, Minister Awni said that the ministry and Parliament committee should form a joint committee to find a mechanism to resolve the problems.

Regarding the demand from owners of plots of land in Hasarok 8 for utilities and services to the area, Minister Awni said that the KRG makes every effort to provide services to all areas and neighbourhoods throughout Kurdistan Region, but due to the financial crisis, the war against ISIS, the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, the withholding of Kurdistan’s share of the budget in the past, it has been unable to provide services in all neighbourhoods.

The committee and Minister Awni held a joint press conference after the meeting.

22 November – The committee met with tourism sector representatives who made recommendations for enriching and improving the Bill on Tourism. They said that the suggestions came out of conferences and research.

The committee thanked the tourism sector representatives and said that they will study their suggestions.

The MPs said that cooperation with civil society organizations is important for the committee’s work.

22 November - The committee met with the non-profit consultancy, the Institute for International Law and Human Rights (IILHR), to discuss the Tourism Bill with the aim of making tourism a key economic pillar in Kurdistan Region. The IILHR pointed to the commonalities of several countries with successful tourism industries.

It was decided to hold a workshop with experts so that the bill can be prepared for its second reading. 

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

8 November - All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

The committee discussed meeting with prisons, social care and social development directorates in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

They decided to have a meeting with Parliament’s Legislative Committee to discuss general amnesties and the death penalty.

22 November – The committee met with the governorates’ general directors of social care and of prisons.

The prisons general directors said that the problems included a lack of prisons which leads to overcrowding, and a lack of prison guards, social researchers and budgets.

The government officials gave a report to the MPs explaining the problems and needs. The committee decided to ask Parliament’s Presidency to hold a sitting to discuss the issues raised.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

8 November – The committee discussed the plight of the Kurdistan Region migrants in Belarus, who are in dire conditions. The MPs decided to meet with the relevant government authorities to assist the migrants and find a solution to their plight.

22 November – The committee met with MPs from each of Parliament’s parties to discuss the plight of Kurdistan Region migrants in Belarus and on the border with Poland.

The chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi said the committee will visit the area soon to help find a solution for the plight of the migrants, who are living in very difficult conditions.

The MPs from Parliament’s parties welcomed the committee’s efforts and asked for each party to be represented in the committee delegation that will visit Poland.  

The committee decided that after going to Poland they will meet with Iraq’s foreign minister and minister for migration, and ask for a Parliament sitting with the KRG relevant authorities present to present the findings of their visit.

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

10 November – The committee discussed problems with some roads in different areas of Kurdistan Region, problems with contracts for residential units and with investment projects, and decided to form subcommittees to look at the projects and meet with the responsible general directorates.

The requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and decisions made on them, or were sent to the relevant authorities for the necessary follow-up.

15 November – The committee visited Duhok’s General Directorate of Roads and Reconstruction. The committee stressed that with the improved financial situation in Kurdistan Region, projects should be implemented and a high standard of services delivered to the public.

The MPs also visited Duhok’s General Directorate of Investment to look into investment projects. The two sides agreed on closer cooperation.

16 November – The committee visited Erbil Investment Directorate. They discussed investment projects that have been given licenses but cannot be carried out, including residential housing projects.

They also discussed the project details and plans and the reasons for failing to build health centres, schools and other service buildings, the cost of services charged, and registration of housing units in the owners’ names.

17 November – The committee visited the Investment Board and met with its Head Muhammad Shukri and several of its managers.

They discussed a proposal to make first amendments to the Investment Law, and citizens who made down-payments or deposits for property projects that have not been completed and are unlikely to be finished. There are five in Erbil, four in Duhok and one in Slemani.

It was decided to hold a wide-ranging conference on all aspects of the Investment Law, with the participation of the Investment Board, local and foreign investors and the Investors Union.

It was also decided to investigate the implementation of the site plans for projects, particularly services that investors did not provide or that they provided but the government did not receive for any reason, which should be legally investigated.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

10 November - All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

The committee discussed their recent visit to Europe, where Kurdistan Region’s peaceful coexistence and Parliament’s work and efforts in this regard were very well received.

The MPs said that the KRG should allow Islamic school graduates to apply for places at university and higher education institutes, because according to the law the Islamic high school certificate is equivalent to middle school and high school certificates issued by the Education Ministry. 

 15 November – To mark the International Day for Tolerance, the committee met with several religious figures and discussed the development and protection of peaceful religious coexistence and tolerance in Kurdistan Region, of which the people are proud and for which Kurdistan Region is known by the international community.

The committee asked all religious figures to work more on moderation and to keep Kurdistan as a beacon of tolerance.

The MPs pointed to Kurdistan Parliament’s legislation passed to protect the rights of the ethnic and religious components, including the Election Law (Law No. 1 of 1992) on political representation in Parliament, and Law No. 5 of 2015.

Then Prof. Adam Abdul-Jabbar Abdulla Bedar discussed his book on multi-religious and multi-ethnic Kurdistan Region in the past, present and future Kurdistan region, which is his research on tolerance and coexistence. He gave copies of the book to MPs and thanked the committee for the opportunity and for their concern about the culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence in Kurdistan.

The committee commended Dr. Bedar for his work.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

10 November – The committee members exchanged views on the Bill on Retirement of Interior and Security Forces.

They also discussed government guards on contract, and decided to form a subcommittee to investigate contract guards’ problems.

All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

Integrity Committee

10 November – The committed, led by the new chair Balen Ismail (Change), decided to direct some cases sent to them to other Parliament committees for investigation and follow-up.

The MPs also discussed the committee's visits to the governorates and decided to visit Halabja soon.

The requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and decisions made on them, or were sent to the relevant authorities for the necessary follow-up.

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

7 November – The committee met with the Chief of the Diwan of Parliament Ardalan Mohammad, the Deputy Chief Hiwa Nusraddin, and Finance Director Rawand Sami.

They discussed Parliament Presidency’s budget and expenditure and the allocated budget for 2022.

The committee called for more coordination with Parliament’s Presidency and the Diwan to continue reorganizing Parliament’s administrative and financial matters.