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Committees' recent meetings - 7 November 2021

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent work and meetings:

Peshmerga Committee

31 October 2021 - The committee issued the following statement after the ISIS attack on Prde which killed two Peshmerga soldiers:

The Peshmerga Affairs Committee condemn tonight's attack by ISIS terrorists on Peshmerga forces and we express our condolences to the families of the martyrs.

Tragically, ISIS terrorists once again attacked Peshmerga forces on the border with Prde in Kirkuk, killing two Peshmerga soldiers, Khalid Hamid Hayas and Ako Karim Qadir, belonging to the second regiment of the 10th Infantry Brigade.

We condemn the attack in the strongest terms and offer our condolences to the families and loved ones of the martyrs. We honour the bravery and sacrifices of the Peshmerga forces in facing terrorists and protecting the people and land of the Kurdistan Region.

We call on the Iraqi Federal Government to implement cooperation in the Joint Security Committee between the Iraqi Army and the Peshmerga forces, in order to fill the security gap along all the frontlines, to prevent movements and attacks by ISIS terrorists and a repeat of such tragic events.

May the souls of the martyrs rest in peace

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

31 October – The committee discussed the problems with some roads and highways in Kurdistan Region, as well as problems with some residential projects. The MPs decided to create several sub-committees to look into these issues.

All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and forwarded to the relevant authorities for follow-up.

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

31 October – The committee met with Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister Dr. Aram Muhammad, and his colleagues, to discuss the complaints and requests from some year 12 high school graduates and the results of the university admissions process.

The committee chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP) asked the ministry to increase the number of free university places and solve the problems of the students who did not get any higher education offers. The MPs asked that all school graduates who completed the application form be given places.

Minister Aram Muhammad explained the ministry’s annual plan and measures the committee that in the next few days all grade 12 high school graduates would be offered a higher education place.

The committee and the Minister held a joint press conference after the meeting.

3 November – The committee discussed their recent efforts to make some changes to the university admissions process.

They decided to meet with the head of a university to look into a particular issue.

The committee also decided to meet with a Ministry of Higher Education general director to get data on the changes to and the increase in the number of free university places.

All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and forwarded to the relevant authorities for follow-up.

Protection of Women’s Rights Committee

1 November – The committee discussed coordinating with Parliament’s Presidency and the Legislative Committee on preparing for a first reading a bill on combating violence against women.

The MPs also discussed participation in Salahaddin University Research Centre’s symposium on combating violence against women.

Another topic rescheduling visits to relevant organizations in Duhok and Slemani in the near future.

Martyrs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

2 November – The committee met with the Minister for Martyrs Affairs and Genocide, Abdullah Haji Mahmoud, with the deputy minister and other ministry staff.

Committee chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP) raised the problems facing martyrs’ families and former political prisoners and the need to amend some laws related to the ministry’s areas of responsibility.

The committee asked Minister Abdullah Haji Mahmoud for clarification on steps taken to more rapidly implement the Reform Law, particularly the removal of unjustified claimants from the list of martyrs’ families.

The minister answered the MPs’ questions and said that after the formation of the current 9th KRG cabinet the financial crisis worsened, the Coronavirus pandemic disrupted normal life, and relations between the KRG and Baghdad waxed and waned, hence the ministry has not been able to fully implement its work and provide the best services for martyrs’ families and former political prisoners.

Minister Mahmoud also assured the MPs that the Ministry will collaborate with the committee on implementation and investigation of all the issues raised.                

3 November – The committee met with several local NGOs working on achieving more international recognition for the genocide against the Kurds and for other international crimes.

The committee and the NGOs agreed to cooperate more closely, as the latter have already carried out a lot of work.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

3 November – The committee read their report on the Bill on Preservation of Archives and after the report was approved by the committee members, they decided to ask Parliament’s Presidency to schedule the bill for its second reading at a sitting.

The committee looked at guideline No. 1 on implementing Parliament Resolution No. 5 of 2005 to facilitate implementation of the Compact on Partnership and Development between Public Authorities and Non-Governmental Organizations in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq. The committee decided to raise the guideline with Parliament’s Presidency.

They also discussed the programme of their conference on the state of Turkmen culture and decided to hold the conference on 8th November.

3 November – The committee met with representatives of several civil society organizations who gave their views and suggestions on existing laws, bills and legislative proposals.

The committee chair Salma Fatih (PUK) asked for more collaboration with the civil society organizations and asked them to give all their suggestions and recommendations in writing.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

1 November – The committee visited the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and met with Minister Pshtiwan Sadiq. They then met with some of the ministry’s newly appointed advisers and general directors: Diyar Izzadin Jabari, adviser; Faris Jawhar Hamad, Director General of the Ministry’s Diwan; and Tayb Zrar Abdulrahman, Director General of Endowments for Erbil Governorate.  

They discussed continuing cooperation between the parliament committee and the ministry.

2 November – The committee visited the executive office of the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union and met with the president Abdullah Mala Saeed , vice president Mullah Jalal Mustafa Khaylani, and member of the executive office Mullah Hassan Khoshnaw.

The committee and the Islamic Scholars talked about issues related to religious scholars, inter-faith coexistence and tolerance, and collaboration between the two sides.

The committee referred to their recent visit to Europe where they had meetings about Kurdistan’s peaceful coexistence between all religious and ethnic communities, and both sides agree that this coexistence must be protected.

Efforts to get university places for students from Islamic schools were also discussed.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee

2 November – The committee met with Nimuna NGO for persons with disabilities, led by its head Nadir Yousif, who gave the committee a proposal to amend the Law on the Rights and Privileges of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs.

The committee pledged to support the NGO’s request, and both side agree on more collaboration to help improve the lives of persons with disabilities.

Legislative Committee

1 November – The committee together with the KRG Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Begard Talabani reviewed the Bill on Production and Import of Seeds and Plants and Registration, Approval, and Protection of Agricultural Chemicals in Kurdistan Region, ahead of preparing its voting report. The bill had its second reading at the sitting of 27 October 2021.

The committee prepared the voting report on the Bill and decided to hold a joint meeting with Parliament’s Agriculture and Irrigation Committee to finalize the voting report.

2 November – The committee prepared their report on the Bill on Private Security Companies in Kurdistan Region, so that the bill can be scheduled for its second reading at a Parliament sitting.

Legislative Committee with Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

2 November – The two committees discussed the Bill on Production and Import of Seeds and Plants and Registration, Approval, and Protection of Agricultural Chemicals in Kurdistan Region. The bill had its second reading at the sitting of 27 October 2021.

The two committees prepared their report for the vote on the bill, which will be held at a future sitting, and decided to send it to Parliament’s Presidency so that the vote can be scheduled.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

1 November – The committee discussed the Bill on Supervision of Agricultural Projects in Kurdistan Region.

Farmers’ problems were discussed and all the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and received a reply or were sent to Parliament’s Presidency for the necessary follow-up.

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

2 November – The committee discussed the Bill on Amendments to the Law on the Ministry of Finance and the Economy in Kurdistan Region.

The members decided to ask the KRG Ministry of Finance and Economy for a meeting on the 2022 draft budget.  

All the requests, complaints and letters sent to the committee were read and forwarded to the relevant parties for follow-up.

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

4 November – The committee met with the Health Minister Dr. Saman Barzanji and raised questions about the reorganization and monitoring of private hospitals and the price of services, the Coronavirus pandemic, vaccinations and containment measures, particularly in government institutions and schools.

Other topics were amending existing legislation, and bills and legislative proposals needed to further regulate the health sector, patients’ rights and responsibilities and health insurance.

Minister Barzanji answered the questions and noted that by implementing existing laws and approving the proposals and bills submitted to the committee, some of which have been read, the healthcare sector is moving towards more regulation and resolution of some of the problems.

The health minister also urged citizens to follow protective measures to reduce the rate of Coronavirus infections.

The committee and the minister held a joint press conference after the meeting.