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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Kuwait's Consul General Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 7 November 2021 welcomed Dr. Omar Ahmed Al-Kanderi, Kuwait's Consul General in the Kurdistan Region. They discussed the political and security situation and Parliament's current work.

Dr. Hawrami gave an overview of the current political and security situation in the Kurdistan Region, and the threat posed by ISIS terrorists in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area.

The Deputy Speaker stressed that cooperation is needed between the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces to fill security gaps in those areas.

Dr. Hawrami and Dr. Al-Kanderi also discussed regional developments, the preliminary results of the recent Iraqi election, and the formation of a new Iraqi government.

Dr. Al-Kanderi received a briefing on Parliament Presidency's recent meeting with MPs from 12 parties, on the process of drafting the Kurdistan Constitution and other issues. The parties have been asked to give their views and wishes in writing on the Constitution drafting mechanism and drafting committee.

Strengthening relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and the National Assembly of Kuwait was another topic of the meeting.