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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes President of the Iraqi Red Crescent Society Dr. Yassin Ahmed Abbas

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemen Hawrami on 2 November 2021 welcomed Dr. Yassin Ahmed Abbas, President of the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.

In the meeting attended by Mr. Hawre Ihsan Sadiq, Head of the Erbil branch of the Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS), Dr. Yassin gave an overview of the society's work and assistance to those in need, particularly refugees and IDPs who have fled to the Kurdistan Region. He said that IRCS will continue to work with other organizations to provide humanitarian assistance.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami commended the Iraqi Red Crescent Society and other humanitarian aid agencies. He said that Kurdistan Parliament through the standing committees is ready to help facilitate the important work of IRCS and other humanitarian organizations that help those in need including IDPs and refugees.