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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq meets with UNAMI Regional Head Ricardo Rodriguez

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 29 November 2021 met with Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez, Head of the UNAMI Regional Office in Erbil. They discussed the next Kurdistan Parliament election, which is due to be held in 2022.

Speaker Faiq explained the preparations that are needed for the next Kurdistan Parliament election to take place, and pointed out some of the technicalities and challenges, such as the reactivation of the Kurdistan Independent High Election Commission, the Election Law and voter registration.

"To reach a workable political agreement between all the political forces and parties in Kurdistan, we need Kurdistan Parliament's parties to compromise," she said.

The Speaker said she hopes that the United Nations will play an active and positive role in the election preparations and process, in cooperation with the election commission once it is reactivated.

Mr. Rodriguez said that UNAMI is ready to give its assistance for the election.