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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes Czech Republic’s new Ambassador Petr Stepanek

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 22 November 2021 welcomed Ambassador Petr Stepanek, the Czech Republic’s new envoy to Iraq.

Speaker Faiq congratulated Ambassador Stepanek on his new posting and wished him success.

The Speaker and the Czech Ambassador discussed the current post-election political situation in Iraq and the challenges to forming the next Iraqi cabinet.

Speaker Faiq said, "At this stage what is needed is for the political parties to reach an agreement as soon as possible and form the new Iraqi cabinet, and to have a strong government in terms of economic policy that can bring peace and stability, which will improve the general situation in the Kurdistan Region as well. This is what we all want."

Dr. Faiq and Ambassador Stepanek also discussed the plight of the Kurdistan Region migrants and the reasons that they and other Iraqis try to settle abroad. Both hoped that a suitable solution can be found for their plight.

Ambassador Stepanek thanked Speaker Faiq for the warm welcome and discussion and said he hopes that the Czech Republic’s good cultural and economic relations with the Kurdistan Region and Iraq will become stronger.