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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami meets with Jordan's Consul General Fuad Al-Majali

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 19 October met with Jordan's Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Fuad Al-Majali. They discussed more cooperation between the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan and Kurdistan Region in several areas, and the post-Iraqi election potential outcomes.

Consul General Al-Majali said that he hopes to help strengthen ties between the Kurdistan Parliament and Jordan's Parliament, after the Jordanian Parliament Speaker's recent visit to Erbil. He also hopes for closer ties in health, education, trade and investment.

Consul General Al-Majali commended Kurdistan Region for its strong leadership. Deputy Speaker Hawrami gave an overview of the results of the recent Iraqi general election which took place on 10 October, and the current post-election situation and potential outcomes. 

Mr. Al-Majali said that he hopes that the election leads to more stability, peace and prosperity in Iraq.