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Secretary Muna Kahveci meets with Swedish Left Party delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 3 October welcomed a delegation from Sweden’s Left Party, led by MP Hakan Svenneling.

At the meeting attended by MPs from different parties and Mr. Shoresh Qadir, the KRG Representative in Sweden, Secretary Kahveci talked about the situation and legal rights of Kurdistan Region’s ethnic and religious components.

Secretary Kahveci said, "Under the Kurdistan Regional Government, the components have been able to achieve much of their rights, and politically they hold important positions in Parliament and all the other institutions in the Kurdistan Region."

Secretary Kahveci gave an overview of Parliament’s work and the parties representing the different components, who have 11 seats reserved for them by law. She also spoke about the Christian and Turkmen ministers in the KRG and, as a Turkmen, her role as the Parliament secretary.

The other Kurdistan Parliament MPs at the meeting highlighted the rights and achievements of minorities in the Kurdistan Region. They asked that ISIS’s brutal attacks and violations against minorities be raised more in international reports and arena.

The two sides agreed on the need to strengthen relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and the Swedish Parliament to exchange expertise and experience on parliamentary work.

The Swedish Left Party delegation comprised Mr. Svenneling, MP Yasmine Posio, MEP Malin Bjork, First Vice-Chair of the Left Party’s International Forum Jonas Karlin, and Second Vice-Chair of the Forum Yekbun Alp.