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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq bids farewell to outgoing Canadian Ambassador Ulric Shannon

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 27 October received the outgoing Canadian Ambassador to Iraq, Ulric Shannon, who met with the Speaker to bid her farewell at the end of his two-year posting in Iraq.

Speaker Faiq and Ambassador Shannon discussed the human rights situation in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, Kurdistan’s reform process, and the challenges to the political process in Iraq following the recent general election.

Speaker Faiq said, "The Iraqi Constitution is the guarantor of the rights of all of Iraq’s different ethnicities and components, and as such the Kurdistan Region adheres to and believes in implementation of all of the Constitution. Iraq is central our strategy, that is why we hope that with the formation of a new Iraqi cabinet, Article 140 and all the outstanding issues between the Iraqi Federal Government and the Kurdistan Region will be solved, and that the Article [140] will be fully implemented.

Ambassador Shannon thanked Speaker Faiq for her cooperation during his posting, and his pleasure at having the opportunity to work in Iraq.

Speaker Faiq wished Ambassador Shannon success in his future responsibilities.