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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami meets with Vice Chair of Turkey’s CHP Party Oguz Kaan Salici

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 7 September met with a senior delegation from Turkey’s Republican People’s Party (CHP), led by the CHP’s Vice Chair Mr. Oguz Kaan Salici.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami gave the CHP delegation an overview of the Kurdistan Parliament’s make-up, parties, standing committees and reserved seats for Kurdistan's communities. He placed importance on strengthening relations between the Kurdistan Region and Turkey.

Dr. Hawrami said, “Kurdistan Parliament has always emphasized the strength of its diplomatic relations with Turkey, other neighbours and all countries in terms of parliamentary and committee work by both sides.

He added, “Turkey is an important neighbouring nation for Kurdistan Region, and in terms of our respective parliaments and committees we are very interested in establishing such relations.

Vice Chair Salici said that he was pleased to visit the Kurdistan Parliament and hoped for broader and closer relations between the two sides.