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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes new Jordanian Consul General Fuad Al-Majali

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 26 September welcomed Mr. Fuad Khazir Salih Al-Majali, Jordan's new Consul General to Kurdistan Region. They discussed the forthcoming Iraqi election and the excellent historic relationship between Kurdistan Region and Jordan. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Mr. Al-Majali exchanged views on the political, economic and security situation, and the forthcoming Iraqi parliament elections. Dr. Hawrami said that a free, fair and credible vote is very important to regain people's trust in politics in Iraq. 

The Deputy Speaker congratulated Consul General Al-Majali on his posting to Kurdistan Region and wished him success. He said that Kurdistan Region and Jordan face some similar challenges and enjoy close historic and strategic ties in many areas, ties between the peoples as well as between the leaders. 

Jordan's Consul General thanked Dr. Hawrami and looked forward to helping to strengthen the cooperation between the two nations.