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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets Adyan Foundation to discuss Iraq roadmap report

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 7 September met with representatives of the NGO Adyan Foundation, led by Executive Director Dr. Ali Hindi, who presented their report of recommendations for building citizenship and good governance in Iraq.

At a meeting attended which was also attended by MP Mala Waisi (KDP). Dr. Hindi gave a summary of Adyan Foundation's work and officially presented to Kurdistan Parliament its report of recommendations, called 'Roadmap to Building Citizenship and Good Governance in Iraq'.

Dr. Hindi was accompanied by his colleague Mr. Abdu Saeed, Head of Projects, and Mr. Mariwan Naqshbandi, one of the 33 Iraqis who contributed to preparing the NGO’s Roadmap for Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked Adyan Foundation for its work and for the Roadmap for Iraq. He said that a just and good governance for all of Iraq is needed in order to achieve stability, peace and coexistence between all ethnicities and religions.