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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets French National Assembly Members Sebastien Nadot and Sonia Krimi

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 15 September welcomed French National Assembly MPs Sonia Krimi and Sebastien Nadot, accompanied by administrator Mohammed Sadoun and France’s Consul General Olivier Decottignies.

Participants at the meeting were MPs Najat Dilo (KDP), Faisal Abbas (PUK), Balen Ismail (Change) and Sara Chawshli (Turkmen Development Party).

Mr. Nadot and Ms. Krimi said that following President Emmanuel Macron’s recent visit to Kurdistan Region, in which he called for more dynamism in the France-Kurdistan Region relationship, they hope to develop more working ties and exchanges with the Kurdistan Region.

On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked the people, Parliament and Government of France for their vital support at critical moments in Kurdistan’s history. He said that the people of Kurdistan have a special friendship with France. 

Dr. Hawrami and the French National Assembly members called for closer working relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and the National Assembly, so that Kurdistan can benefit from France’s parliamentary expertise and experience.

They also discussed the issue of migration and how security, stability and economic prosperity are the main drivers of migration.