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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Ms. Dew Tiantawach, new Political and Economic Affairs Chief at US Consulate General in Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 September welcomed Ms. Y. Dew Tiantawach, the new Chief of the Political and Economic Affairs Section of the US Consulate General in Kurdistan Region. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Ms. Tiantawach discussed the forthcoming Iraqi general election, Parliament's work and priorities, and the political and security situation in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Dr. Hawrami gave an overview of Kurdistan Parliament's legislative procedures and the bills that the Kurdistan Regional Government and MPs are working on. 

He said that for this current 4-year term of the Kurdistan Parliament, one of the priorities is to draft the Kurdistan Constitution, for which compromise and political will is needed.

Dr. Hawrami said that the US's support for the Peshmerga reform process is important and hopes that it will continue. He thanked the US for the ongoing cooperation to contain the threat of the reemergence of ISIS, and as well as its assistance to Kurdistan at various stages in the past.

They also discussed the current wider regional situation. 

Ms. Tiantawach said that the US will continue to work with and support the Kurdistan Region and Iraq at many levels.