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Legislative Committee in Paris meet with French National Assembly members

MPs and advisers from Kurdistan Parliament’s Legislative Committee on 13 September in Paris met with members of France’s National Assembly, to exchange ideas and benefit from France’s legislative experience.

The Kurdistan Parliament committee, led by the chair Dr. Bizhar Kochar, met with the chair Ms. Yaël Braun-Pivet, and with Jean-Jacques Bridey, Member of the Defence Committee and Chair of the Assembly's France-Iraq Friendship Group. The meeting took place in the French National Assembly’s legislative committee room.

The Kurdistan Parliament MPs thanked the people, Government and Parliament of France for their friendship and support for Kurdistan Region in critical moments of Kurdistan’s history, and expressed their hope to strengthen relations between the two legislatures. On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, they also thanked France for its support to the Peshmerga forces during the war against ISIS.

The two sides discussed their respective law-making procedures and implementation, and the French MPs said that the National Assembly is ready to provide more advice to the Kurdistani legislature.

During their visit to France, the Legislative Committee will hold more meetings with members of the upper and lower houses of the French Parliament and work to strengthen parliamentary ties.