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Legislative Committee in Paris meet with MP Jean-Christophe Lagarde, Deputy Chair of Study Group on Kurds

14 September 2021 - Kurdistan Parliament’s Legislative Committee on their second working day in Paris met with Member of Parliament Mr. Jean-Christophe Lagarde, Deputy Chair of the French National Assembly’s Study Group on the Kurds.

The committee, led by the chair Dr. Bizhar Kochar (KDP), and Mr. Lagarde discussed protecting the rights of Kurdistan Region’s religious and ethnic components, which include Christians and Turkmen, whose rights are enshrined in Kurdistan Region’s laws and resolutions.

They also talked about the drafting of a Kurdistan Constitution, in which representatives of Kurdistan Region’s original communities will take part to ensure that their wishes and demands are included.

Another topic was preserving Kurdistan Region’s powers and status as a constitutional entity, within the framework of the Iraqi Constitution.

Mr. Lagarde and the Kurdistan Parliament Legislative Committee also discussed developing closer ties between the two legislatures.  

The Kurdistan Parliament Legislative Committee in on a visit to Paris to meet with French Parliamentarians to exchange ideas and expertise, and strengthen parliamentary ties.