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Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci welcomes Turkey’s CHP Party Vice Chair Oguz Kaan Salici

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 6 September welcomed a senior delegation from Turkey’s Republican People’s Party (CHP), led by the CHP’s Vice Chair Mr. Oguz Kaan Salici.

MP Himdad Sabah Bilal (Turkmen Front) also attended the meeting.

Secretary Kahveci gave an overview of the peaceful coexistence between Kurdistan Region’s different ethnic and religious components, their legal rights and their current situation.

Ms. Kahveci said, "Under the Kurdistan Regional Government, Kurdistan’s ethnic and religious communities have secured most of their rights, and politically we hold senior positions in Parliament, government and other institutions in the Kurdistan Region.”

Secretary Kahveci, who is a MP in the Turkmen Reform Party, said that as a Turkmen in Parliament’s three-person Presidency she is in a leadership position, and KRG Minister Aydin Marouf is also a Turkmen, with the portfolio for ethnic and religious communities’ affairs.

The Parliament Secretary also described the role of women in Parliament and political life.

Mr. Salici and Ms. Kahveci also discussed the latest developments in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the wider region and the forthcoming Iraqi elections, and Secretary Kahveci emphasized the need for unity among the forces and political parties of the Kurdistan Region.

Secretary Kahveci said she hopes for closer relations between Kurdistan Region and Turkey in all areas.

CHP Vice Chair Salici commended the peaceful coexistence between Kurdistan Region’s different communities and hoped that the relationship between Kurdistan Region and Turkey will be strengthened.