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Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Speaker of Jordan’s House of Representatives Abdul Monem Al-Odat

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 5 September welcomed the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Jordan, Abdel Monem Al-Odat, together with several Jordanian MPs. Speaker Faiq was joined by Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci and the heads of the parliamentary parties.

Speaker Faiq said that the historic close relationship between Jordan’s monarchy and Kurdistan’s political leadership is greatly valued. She commended Jordan for the success of its stable and balanced foreign policy. At the parliamentary level, she pointed to the commonalities between the two legislatures, for example both have seats reserved for their nations’ ethnic and religious components.

Dr. Faiq also referred to the similarities in their respective parliaments’ committees, because of the commonalities in terms of security, economic and cultural issues that both countries face.

Dr. Faiq said, “Jordan has wide-ranging historic neighbourly relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. We hope to strengthen these relations at the parliamentary level and to increase coordination between our respective standing committees, to exchange information about parliamentary work.”

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami expressed his pleasure for the visit of the Jordanian Parliament delegation, saying that the first visit by the Speaker of an Arab parliament in this current fifth term of the Kurdistan Parliament held great importance.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami gave an overview of Kurdistan Parliament’s international outreach and relations with other parliaments.

Jordan’s Parliament Speaker Al-Odat expressed his pleasure in visiting the Kurdistan Parliament and talked about Jordan’s proud and important relations with both the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the Kurdistan Parliament, as well as the importance of Kurdistan Region’s stability. He hoped for closer relations with the Kurdistan Parliament in future.

MPs in the Jordanian parliament delegation expressed their views on how to strengthen relations between the two legislatures.