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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami congratulates Xebat newspaper on 63rd anniversary

On the 63rd anniversary of Xebat newspaper, I congratulate the Editor-in-Chief, journalists and all the staff, and I wish you all continued success.

Sixty-three years ago the first edition of your campaigning newspaper was published, the oldest Kurdish political newspaper in the history of Kurdish journalism.

Throughout the September and May revolutions and up to today, your campaigning newspaper has always been on the frontlines of the struggle while carrying out its journalistic responsibilities.

Xebat has been a training ground for members and leaders of Kurdistan’s liberation movement, delivering the truth and exposing the oppression suffered by Kurdistan’s people.

 I hope that Xebat will continue the national struggle and maintain its professionalism, that you will continue to convey the truth and to defend the people and land of Kurdistan.

Dr. Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

4 April 2022