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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq meets with Head of General Directorate of Landmine Clearance

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 6 April 2022 welcomed Jabar Mustafa, the Head of Kurdistan Region’s General Directorate of Landmine Clearance, together with the deputy head and several staff.

Mr. Mustafa gave an overview of the landmine clearance agency’s work and described the staff’s dedication. He also explained the agency’s technical problems and the staff’s needs.

The head of the general directorate outlined the legislative proposal that it presented to Parliament’s Committee on Martyrs, Genocide and Political Prisoners, asking for its staff to have certain financial rights and privileges because of the nature of their work.

Speaker Faiq thanked the agency’s staff for their courage and selflessness and gave her support for their request. She thanked them for clearing many areas of Kurdistan Region of land mines laid in the past and said, "Previously, the same proposal for a law on the rights and privileges of martyrs, persons with disabilities and non-permanent employees of the landmine clearance agency was sent to Parliament, and we undoubtedly sent it to the Government, but the Government refused it because of the financial burden it places on public funds."

The Parliament Speaker pledged to try again to raise the legislative proposal with the Government.