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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq bids farewell to Mr. Yves Duval, Head of Canada's Embassy Office in Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 22 August 2022 received Mr. Yves Duval, the Head of Canada’s Embassy Office in Erbil, to bid him farewell at the end of his mission in Kurdistan Region.

Speaker Faiq and Mr. Duval discussed the latest developments, the current political challenges facing Iraq, relations between the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad, other ongoing issues, and the consequences of the current deadlock.

Speaker Faiq said, “Iraq is at a difficult and sensitive political juncture. To emerge from this crisis the best course is to have a national dialogue, find common ground and come to an understanding.”

"I hope that everyone will compromise on some of their political views and demands with a national spirit, so that we can achieve peace and stability,” Dr. Faiq said.

The human rights situation in the Kurdistan Region was another important topic of the meeting.

The Speaker said, “We fully support the Independent Human Rights Commission and Parliament’s Human Rights Committee carrying out their work more effectively, and of course we task the Parliament standing committee to do their utmost, because any comments by the international community on human rights and freedoms in the Region will have a negative impact on our Region's reputation, and at the same time undermine the public’s trust in institutions.".

Mr. Duval thanked Dr. Faiq for the exchange of views and for Parliament’s support for the Embassy Office’s work. The Speaker wished Mr. Duval success in his future assignments.